#GUTSelfie Day 2024 with Guts UK

The 30th June each year marks #GUTSelfie Day with Gut’s UK. This brilliant initiative brings much-needed awareness to gut diseases of all types – while being great fun and helping you to meet more people in the community!

This was my first year taking part, but I’ve been looking forward to it on the build up! All I had to do to get involved was register my interest on the Gut’s UK website and then at the beginning of June, I got my pack in the post.

What’s the campaign about?

Each year, Gut’s UK picks a different top-secret theme to promote and sends temporary tattoos that line up with this. These are so fun and have serious sticking power! Along with these, this year we were all sent ‘Colin the Colon’ keyrings as well which I absolutely love. Being less than 5 months since I waved goodbye to my troublesome colon, this really made me smile and is my latest proud addition to my bag!

2024’s theme was Myths, Misunderstanding and Misconceptions. Have a look below at what I shared.

How can you get involved in #GUTSelfie Day 2025?

If you’d like to sign up to take part in next years #GUTSelfie Day free of charge, then you can do so here (not an affiliate link, just a campaign I think is truly great!).

New to having a stoma, ulcerative colitis or other gut issues and not sure where to start with learning more about it? I recommend having a look at my other disability blogs and following me on IG. I’m an open book and always happy to answer questions!

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