Mali and Me

Sharing life as a business owner, chronic illness advocate and stoma blogger

Sharing life as a business owner,
chronic illness advocate and stoma blogger



  • ✨ 3rd hospital admission of the year ✨I caught Norovirus on Saturday night and within just a few hours of vomiting and high stoma output, I entered acute renal failure. I was taken by ambulance to hospital where I have been ever since.  After many meds, tests and procedures my kidneys are starting to improve, but I’m not well enough to go home yet.My stoma has been very unhappy, outputting almost pure water for the last three days. I’m now on liquid food/meal replacement shakes until my GI system can tolerate reintroducing solid foods - a major setback in recovery six months to the day of my post-op anniversary.If I’ve learnt anything the last few days, it’s that sickness with a stoma can be deadly quicker than you or I can imagine. If in doubt, shout for help. 999 was a blessing.Thanks to the team at Southampton for as ever looking after me really well. Hopefully I’ll be on the mend soon.
    2 days ago
  • What a difference a few months makes! I’m back ✨Ulcerative Colitis is evil and when it strikes, it can hit hard.  I’m so grateful for my stoma and my surgery, although been incredibly physically and mentally challenging.Ever since I heard these lyrics I knew I needed to make this reel - ✔️(Hashtags)
#UlcerativeColitis #IBD #Disability #DisabilityStory #DisabledBlogger #DisabledInfluencer #HospitalStay #ChronicIllnessBlogger
    1 week ago
  • I’m so proud of this one for launching his new office space today! 🐼 After several years of working together digitally, we finally meet in person 🙌@digitalpandabrum
    2 weeks ago
  • And just like that, Summer 2024 comes to an end. ☀️ What a summer it has been!Onto pumpkin season. Cosy jumpers, chilly morning and all things autumnal 🍂  It’s been a long time coming but… AUTUMN MALI has arrived.Spy that @starbucksuk PSL in hand - they’re even better this year than last! More on that soon.
    3 weeks ago
  • PSA: hEDS is more than just being bendy! There’s dozens of symptoms that go with it, which affect each person differently 🦓
    4 weeks ago
  • I have had far too much fun re-living the memories through my camera roll over the last few days 😍
    4 weeks ago
  • “In this moment now capture it remember it.”Still buzzing from how fun Friday was with @sakaradee @cameron_chislett 😍And for those of you who noticed… introducing my new power chair!!! It finally made an appearance (after being on order for months) right in time for the eras tour!  I will be doing a proper feature on it later, but safe to say it made the whole experience so much easier and enjoyable for me.
    1 month ago

Welcome Readers,


I’m a proud Wife, Founder and Stoma owner, based in the South of the UK. This is my space on the internet to share snippets from my day-to-day life, along with things I’ve learnt along the way. My aim is to raise awareness for EDS, Ulcerative Colitis, Autism and Arthritis.

Welcome Readers,


I’m a proud Wife, Founder and Stoma owner, based in the South of the UK. This is my space on the internet to share snippets from my day-to-day life, along with things I’ve learnt along the way. My aim is to raise awareness for EDS, Ulcerative Colitis, Autism and Arthritis.

My Mucus Fistula Journey: Day-to-day life

A new diagnosis – inflammatory enteropathic arthritis

What should I expect when coming around from Stoma Surgery?

Introducing The Chronic Club

Being iconic doesn’t take a day off. Neither do we.

Introducing The Chronic Club

Being iconic doesn’t take a day off. Neither do we.