My Story

sharing my passion

My Story

sharing my passion

You might be wondering how I found myself here...

I’ve been blogging on and off since wayyy back in 2014, when I had a small corner of the internet called ‘Pumpkins and Planners’.  Throughout my teens I taught myself WordPress, and dabbled in various blog sites. 

On from here, I was able to utilise these website skills alongside my qualification in Graphic Design to help me set up my first and main company, Inkfire.  This took up a lot of my time and I moved away from blogging for a while. 

Fast forward to 2023, Inkfire is now my main company and source of my income. 

2024 has been a year of tremendous change for me with my health, having suddenly gotten a lot more ill and having emergency surgery. Now that I’m starting to feel better, I’ve missed having a space to share what’s on my mind, along with content that makes me happy outside of the more professional content that we share at Inkfire as a business.

Meet Imali

Founder of Inkfire + Blogger

Better known as ‘Mali’ by my friends,  I’m a 20-something chronic illness blogger with a love of all things colourful, creative and cosy!

I’ve been blogging on and off for years – since back in the days of Zoella and Tumblr. In the past I’ve worked with some really cool brands like Maybelline, and Paperchase – and more recently even been featured in Metro for my love of Pumpkin Spice Lattes!

I am an ambulatory wheelchair user, with multiple complex chronic conditions including Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (hEDS), Ulcerative Colitis and Arthritis. I received my first chronic diagnosis at the age of 2 years old, making me one of the youngest recorded in the UK. As of March 2024, I am also now an Ostomate, having emergency surgery to place an ileostomy and remove my colon.

There’s simply not enough hours in the day to pursue all my interests, but I do try to do as much as I can. From knitting, to baking (although I’m a terrible cook!), homemaking to having a go at growing my own vegetables – I’m always working on something! 

Do you have questions?

Feel free to reach out via my contact page

Do you have questions?

Feel free to reach out via my contact page