I have to be honest, I find putting together and cooking food to be one of my biggest day-to-day challenges when it comes to having a concoction of Chronic Illnesses. Not only am I contending with food allergies and a diet that is slightly altered due to my stoma, but I also find that my hunger levels are variable.
This makes it difficult to prepare food as I don’t want it to be wasted, but equally I need to have something nutritional and fulfilling to hand as and when I need it. I am very blessed to have my Husband/Carer who’s often able to help me get food together, but still, there’s moments where I need to be independent and whip something up myself.
With that in mind, it’s my aim through this section of my blog, to note down some of the recipes and things that I do to make the whole subject of eating a bit easier. I do not class myself as a good cook, and rest assured, if I can burn something I will! My hope is to share bits I learn and recipes that I find useful in case they help you too.
I also use a number of adaptions in my kitchen to make cooking and preparing food easier, if you’d be interested in what these are, I’m happy to share.
Cooking with a chronic illness is no joke! Let’s pursue trying to feed ourselves as best we can, without using more energy than we can afford to give. Fed is best, so I hope I can inspire a bit 🙂