What Can An Access To Work Grant Pay For?

Trying to find your way through the world of employment while managing a disability or health condition is no small feat. You may have heard of Access to Work (ATW)—a government grant designed to support you in the workplace. But, like many people, you might be wondering: What can an Access to Work Grant pay […]
Working With Chronic Illness: Navigating a World That Wasn’t Made For Us

This post was inspired by a recent conversation with a dear friend. We were discussing the pressures of work and health, and I realised I wasn’t only one feeling trapped between the expectation to work and a body that often refuses to cooperate. When society labels you as lazy In today’s world, productivity and the […]
Navigating a PIP claim: Should you apply? My tips and experience as someone with chronic illness

A question I get asked all the time as someone with chronic health issues is ‘is it worth making a claim for PIP?’. Let me flip that question around – do YOU have a disability that impacts your daily life? If you nodded, then my answer is a resounding “YES”. Let’s start by making something […]